I applaud LIUNA Station for complying with good public health policy. Perhaps she could have avoided all of this by simply getting vaccinated. But not only does this person choose not to vaccinate herself, she is miffed she cannot have her wedding her way. Amazingly, we have a number of safe and highly effective vaccines globally that are significantly slowing the spread, if only people would take it. Our health-care system and those who staff it are fragile and worn. Children have lost parents, parents have lost children. Imagine being so stubborn that you would risk losing thousands of dollars? And then whining about it to a journalist?ĬOVID has thrown a wrench into every single person’s life on this planet. The subject of this story refuses to be vaccinated for COVID, yet believes this choice excludes her from being subject to the forfeiture of her wedding deposit. 22): I am sick and tired of the willingly unvaccinated whining about how hard done-by they are. Regarding ‘Unvaccinated couple may lose deposit’ (Oct.